

iSoftStonewasAwardedthe"MostInnovativeEnterprise of2022"byWGDC


On July 20-21, the 11th World Geospatial Developers Conference (WGDC2022) & the 1st Automobile Creators Conference (AutoCC2022) was held in Beijing. iSoftStone was invited to attend the conference and awarded the "Most Innovative Enterprise of 2022".


Since 2012, when the first WGDC was held, it has grown in scale and influence every year, expanding from the field of spatial information to driving the integration and innovation of new technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and spatial interconnection, known as a guide for technological and industrial innovation in the industry. This year’s conference, which is themed “Real and Virtual Coexistence: Reconstructing the Digital World”, encompasses 10 venues and more than 50 hot issues, including metaverse, satellite application, automobile trips, reality 3D, water conservancy, and cultural tourism. Over a thousand guests at home and abroad, including academicians, experts, members of industry authorities, high-tech enterprises, user representatives, and technical developers, discussed the future digital world.

The conference, which adheres to the core values of objectivity, innovation, and professionalism, unveiled the top 50 “Most Innovative Enterprises of 2022”. The election is made from six categories, namely mapping and geographic information, high-precision maps, high-precision positioning, remote sensing big data, metaverse/digital twin, together with cloud and integration services. Innovation power of enterprises is comprehensively evaluated from the perspectives of their business models, technical products, growth rates, and application scenarios. Finally, iSoftStone, NavInfo, Baidu Maps, and a few other enterprises were awarded the “Most Innovative Enterprise of 2022” on the grounds of industry-specific data, enterprise research, and expert opinions.


AutoCC2022, which is themed “Automobile Manufacturers and Their ‘Technology Partners’”, is held concurrently with this year’s WGDC. AutoCC2022 addresses important issues like automobile creators, intelligent cabins, and vehicle-road coordination, and elaborates on the development of intelligent automobiles and the evolution of intelligent automobile-related technologies from the perspectives of OEMs and suppliers. The aim is to promote the accelerated integration of autonomous driving and smart mobility with automobile manufacturers.

With more than a decade of precise positioning in key aspects of the automobile industry, iSoftStone has gradually built up enormous service capabilities and industry solutions in the field of intelligent automobiles, and exported key capabilities to traditional brand manufacturers, emerging powers and upstream/downstream component suppliers. At the product service level, iSoftStone develops three types of products centered on autonomous driving, intelligent cabins, and intelligent networking, and assists customers in the digitalization of intelligent automobile products. Specifically, iSoftStone covers both the hardware layer (intelligence of key components) and the software layer (development of core algorithms) in the field of autonomous driving and intelligent cabins; in the field of intelligent networking, iSoftStone mostly focuses on software and digital platforms. In addition, iSoftStone prioritizes the development of four major service capabilities, namely consulting capability for digital transformation, digital service capability for manufacturing, digital service capability for products, and digital service capability for marketing.

The energy revolution, as well as the advancement of information and communication technologies, is driving an intelligent revolution in the automobile industry. Software-defined automobiles have become an inevitable trend since intelligence cannot develop without the support and drive of software. iSoftStone is working on the intelligent automobile field, building up its industry capabilities, and dedicated to promoting the synergetic development of the industry and industry partners based on digital technologies. In the future, iSoftStone will collaborate with numerous partners to jointly create the ecosystem for intelligent automobiles, promote the innovative development of the intelligent automobile industry, and advance the ambitious goal in the digital era.

